We spent Christmas in Arizona. It was a quick trip and went by way to fast. We arrived on Tuesday and of course my mom had the table set for a big dinner. We got to meet my sister new boyfriend, Andrew. He is really nice and seems patient enough for Kelly. Wednesday the boys played golf which was probably better then having them in the house. My friend Amy came over to visit Ryan, I couldn't believe she didn't bring over all her gifts for me to wrap. My mom and sister and I went to church which was packed. In years past we always avoided the children's mass, guess that has changed. Ryan did very good, the man behind us was making funny faces at him so Ryan was entertained. Christmas morning we got up and headed to my parents house for breakfast and presents. Funny how we said no presents except for Ryan and we all had plenty of gifts to open. Later the rest of the family and friends arrived and we enjoyed a fabulous meal. It amazes me that It is no big deal for my mom to have 20 people for dinner.
I usually come in earlier to help but luckily my friend
Racquel arrived earlier in the week and helped her. Thanks Rock!!! Friday was a day of relaxation until we arrived at the airport and found out our plane was 5 hours delayed. Ted called and got us on a flight into San Diego and thankfully Ted Sr. was available and able to borrow a car seat and drive us home.
Ryan did better then I thought he would on the plane, slept both ways. He also did better then I thought with the new surroundings. The one thing he didn't do good with was sleeping at night. He just couldn't get used to the pack and play so therefore he was up multiple times during the night. Next time he will have to stay at his grandmas house where there is a crib.
Ryan got so many gifts, a ton of new clothes and toys. My grandfather passed down his silver that he used to eat with which was very special. Thank you to everyone for making Ryan's first Christmas very special.
Great-Grandpa Charles and Uncle Steve playing the piano

Grandma OJ and Auntie Kelly with Ryan

Ryan's Great-Grandparents - Jack, Charles & Jean

Uncle Steve with Ryan
Ryan got a new
sippy cup, looks like he likes it.

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