Well I figured I should write some truth. For those who read the blog and don't know Ted he is a BIG fan of the Dodgers, USC, Godfather movies, Law & Order and good wine. Ted will bring the humor to the blog. Arizona people don't worry I will try my best to get Ryan exposed to AZ teams, not sure I will win but I will try.
I can't believe it has been a week since the big day.

First of all labor is hard even with an epidural. Nothing you can explain or imagine unless you have been through it. I have to thank Dayna at Pilates Plus who helped me prepare for the 14 hours of labor. Ted would like to share that the nurses changed the epidural cartridge 3 times, I don't think that is too much. I was afraid to use the drip button they give with fear I would run out, little did I know they don't let you run out. My advice is anyone who is planning on getting drugs you don't need to take the birthing classes. My nurses and midwife were wonderful. I have to say I was very impressed with Kaiser. The other part is no one told me how you feel after the birth and for how long. You mothers out there know what I am talking about. I am not sure if I will ever walk the same again.

Time has flown by and I am not sure what I have been doing except going in circles. Between doctor visits and getting Ryan's blood drawn for Jaundice we haven't been home all day since we have been home. He has been such a champ, it has been much harder on Ted and I then Ryan. The last two times he didn't even wake up, thank god for the car seat!
The levels have been going down so we might be able to avoid a doctor until his 2 month visit.
Ryan also is labeled as a lazy sucker (not sure who he gets that from) according to the lactation consultant. Feeding time has been really interesting, I think Ryan is as frustrated as I am.
I am not sure how much I will keep up with posting comments but I will keep the pictures coming.

Thanks for everyone thoughts and prayers. We are lucky to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends.
1 comment:
ha ha - ted is HIlarious!
so glad to hear that he is sleeping well! we think that is a sign of a great personality =) hope he won't be like sydnie though where around month two - three, she started rejecting the car seat! can't wait to see him again... we'll be by wednesday!
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