Anyway, today is Tuesday July 8th and I just finished my first week with Ryan. He is the perfect kid.
During the day he pretty much keeps to himself. I can tell that he's just taking things in, playing it cool, wondering what the fuss is all about. During the day, he sleeps for 3 - 4 hours at a time. When he wakes up, he doesn't cry he just puts his mouth in a drinking position and then we feed him. Afterwards, he burps on his own about 30 seconds after he's done. He nods towards the pack-n-play and then he falls fast asleep for another 3 - 4 hours.
He pee's pretty regularly but only when he's sleeping and never without a diaper. He poops every 12 hours on the nose and again, always in the diaper. The poop has been solid and very easy to clean. Again, him looking out for us.
During the day when he's not sleeping, he is already throwing a baseball across the room. His direction is getting to be pretty good as well. It didn't start out that way but now he can hit the air conditioning control and turn it off and on whenever he wants. I like this because he likes the house cool like me. Erika is not such a big fan but she'll get over it. That's what blankets are for. His favorite Dodger is Russell Martin and he can almost say his first word.....FERNANDO.
In any event, things have gone pretty easily so far. I haven't had any of the problems or experienced any of the headaches or late nights that people were telling me about. I'm almost done with my second bottle of wine tonight and Ryan is putting his mouth in that drinking position again.
I'll write again soon but don't hold your breath.
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